Halo semua...
Hanya ingin berbagi tentang perasaan malam ini secara singkat. Mungkin bisa dibilang galau, tapi jangan dipanggil galau lah, hanya merenung sejenak. Entah kenapa malam ini perasaan ingin sekali mendengar lagu-lagu pop Indonesia yang dulu menemani masa putih biru dan putih abu-abu. Senyum-senyum sendiri mengingat beberapa kejadian lucu pada masa itu. Di satu sisi ingin sekali mengulang atau setidaknya melihat kejadian-kejadian itu terjadi. Tapi, apa daya...
Meski sudah hampir memasuki tahun ke-2 di Turki, saya tidak pernah merasakan bagaimana cepatnya waktu berjalan. Terutama ketika melihat gambar-gambar di akun Facebook maupun Twitter, wajah-wajah yang terpampang di dalamnya seakan-akan menyegarkan memori. Jujur saya rindu. Rindu teman-teman biru dan abu-abu dan hal-hal indah yang pastinya tidak akan pernah terjadi dua kali dalam hidup.
Memang pasti ada beberapa yang tidak mencoba menengokkan kepala mereka atau bahkan ada beberapa yang datang ketika mereka sadar ini waktunya untuk datang. Tapi ya sudahlah, kita memang manusia yang mempunyai kemampuan memilih dan memutuskan suatu keputusan. Toh mereka tetap orang yang wajahnya ada di foto-foto saya. Orang yang melakukan hal sama dengan saya ketika ada di dalam foto. Berkreasi dengan jari-jari indah yang menunjukan rasa damai maupun metal atau bahkan mungkin dengan membentuk wajah aneh baru. Ayo tebak itu apa...jika disebutkan satu persatu, rasanya sulit untuk mengakhirinya. Tapi jangan diakhiri lah teman...seperti besok mau mati saja. Hahaha.
Intinya adalah, untuk semua teman-teman, saya rindu kalian dan kita semua...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Alone We Do Good, Together We Do Better
Random poem made at random times.
Alone we do good, together we do better
People are getting bored of it.
They say we are better if together,
They say we go stronger if united
But why does it matter if we gather?
Togetherness takes time
We do end up being late
Yet, alone we chime
Getting fixed as months
and dates
But they say we are mistaken
Things will be much worse if we are separated
We would say we already are
We can’t yet see as it’s hidden
We are not liars
Who tells ‘how’, yet don’t do ‘what’
We are just peculiar
Trying to find the right path
People may be tired
They may be sick of
things undone
But we are not like that
We’re never down
We’re here
Shine brighter
Than ever
Alone we do good,
Together we do better
Sairindri Gita
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Because we only live once...
Here I am again starting to share something with you. I'm so inspired to write a feedback about a movie I just watched 10 minutes ago. It's titled The Five People You Meet In Heaven that is based on a best selling novel by Mitch Albom. First of all, let me remind you that I have no intention to commercially promote this movie nor the book, I just believe that some messages, the quotes in particular, it has are worth learning and grasping.
"...the world is full of stories but the stories are all one." - Mitch Albom
Though the title tells you five people, it does not mean that you are going to meet five people in heaven. As you see from its name, you would probably think that this movie explains things beyond how we ourselves can explain. Some would even say that it has a piece of missionary. They may be right. For me, this movie has another message we can grasp as a lesson-learned, or lesson-not-yet-learned. Started by telling a story about a man who was hopless with his life as he thought he was such a useless man. He assumed that all he did was nothing but a failure. Let me start with this
We're all connected somehow.
One thing that I could hardly believe is whether everything happens for a reason. I used to think that it's nonense. But then I realized that it could actually be true. People sometimes say "things happen as it should." or "things are happened as it should be.". It got me thinking. 'As it should', 'as it should be'? Can someone explain me further what that actually means?
This movie made me recognize things I ignored. In the movie, it was shown how things you did affected others and so did the other way around and forth endlessly. Well, it is explained that our lives and experiences are all interconnected in some way. But the thing is we can't see how that happens as we can never go beyond our limit as a human. We are only aware of things that we can reach through our five senses. Other than that, a big no.
If asked, I would like to understand how it is interconnected and to whom my experiences are connected and affected. But I can't, anyhow. Sometimes I come to realize how it happens. There are indeed some things I found interconnected. But I usually find them out long after the connected-one happens. One day won't be enough to tell you all about it.
However, the movie indicates things which can't be found, nor explained in our lives on Earth but are explained in afterlife (as I said, they may be right for giving such opinions about the movie). The alterlife is not my point, but the other things we should remember in our lives that happen to be conveyed in the movies are.
For the man I've mentioned before, he learned not to be ashamed of things happened in his life all along. He came to love his life as he found out that some things he thought had happened to him didn't really happen as he thought they did. Yes, that seems right to me. Some things didn't really happen as we think they did; also sometimes what we think has happened is not what has actually happened indeed. Yet, it has always had at least a reason both we know and not. But here we are again, being unable to know all.
If only I could have all explained, I would most probably feel peaceful, as state of peace, for me, is when I have certainty. I don't have it however. No one does. We always feel insecure of uncertainties.
But I believe that at one point in our lives we will unveil the unexplained ones and understand something. I don't know exactly when.
As I have no clue, one thing that I can at least understand is that things happened in our lives are not something to be hated or ashamed of, yet to be accepted and learned. And the movie may have pinched me to remember that I should love my life, I mean, love all things in life with no exception. If I can't, at least I should try to do so. It may seem so utopian though and somehow unrealistic. But I fully believe that what one of the quotes in the movie says is actually true, that there's always a purpose for our life. We live for a reason the same way that people die for a reason. Where we are today is a combination of all past actions, decisions, and the way the people around have affected us.
Pretty conclusive! Life is not supposed to be taken for granted, don't you think? I'll leave it up to you.
I had better end this post now than never...hahaha.
No story sits by itself, sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river. - Mitch Albom
Thanks for reading!
*The quotes: GoodReads - Quotes by Mitch Albom
Pretty conclusive! Life is not supposed to be taken for granted, don't you think? I'll leave it up to you.
I had better end this post now than never...hahaha.
No story sits by itself, sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river. - Mitch Albom
Thanks for reading!
*The quotes: GoodReads - Quotes by Mitch Albom
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